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2024 trip to Northumberland

Find out about the Perfomance Recorded Lleyn Breeders (PRLB) trip to Northumberland where we visited members Richard and Jen Oglesby, and Angus breeder George Burrell

PRLB Breed for CH4nge meeting

The members of the Performance Recorded Lleyn Breeders (PRLB) are part of the DEFRA funded ‘Breed for CH4nge’ project as part of the Farm Innovation Program. The Lleyn breeders are one of four breeding groups taking part; Innovis, Exlana and Dorset Centurion. The project also involves Haprer Adams University, SRUC, Pilgrims, Waitrose, NSA, Signet/ AHDB and CIEL.

PRLB trip to Blairgorie

Members of PRLB made the journey from across the country to Incheoch, Blairgorie, farmed by the Mcgowan’s who provided fantastic hospitality for the trip and had organised some fantastic farm tours.


How does ewe mature size impact ewe efficiency?

The new maternal Index used by the Lleyns helps to moderate ewe mature size in a long term breeding program. Find out how ewe mature size impacts ewe efficency at the Stonehouse flock here

2020 AGM 

The 2020 AGM will be held on Tuesday 1 December at 7.30 pm via Zoom. Joining details will be issued shortly. We are lucky to have Sam Boon and Bridget Lloyd from Signet joining us to give updates on the EWEBenefit project on maternal genetic evaluations and serum IgA testing. 

Final report from the EIP funded project on breeding for worm resistance

The final report from the work of PRLB with the Harper Adams flock between 2016 and 2019.

Breeding for worm resistance
Saliva Report Final KP (2).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]

Sheep Breeders Round Table 2019

George Cullimore and Kate Phillips delivered a summary of the work that PRLB have been doing over the last 4 years at the 2019 Sheep Breeders Round Table.  See the PowerPoint presentation below. 

Sheep Breeders Round Table Presentation - Breeding for Worm Resistance
SBRT Breeding for worm resitance Final K[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]

Sheep Health and Welfare Group Conference 2018

George Cullimore presented a talk at the 2018 SHAWG confernce.  His presentation is below. 

Breeding more Resilient Sheep
SHAWG 2018 Ppt Presentation Breeding mor[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]

AHDB Beef and Lamb Farm Innovation Grant Funds Trial of Novel Sheep Worm Resistance Detection Method

The following link gives a good summary of the research that PRLB is doing with worm resistance -

Ongoing Research Into Worm Resistance

After saliva swabbing and FEC sampling over 3,000 lambs a year for the past 2 years the Performance Recorded Lleyn Breeders (PRLB) have been successful in obtaining a Farm Innovation Grant which will be used to develope an IgA EBV. It is hoped this new EBV will be displayed on the BASCO website by the atumn.

An application for a Euopean Innovation Partnership grant has just been submitted and if successful will be used for extra trial work in relation to the saliva test.

New Research Project For Performance Recorded Lleyn Breeders

Great news!… this week as we learnt that our application for an EBLEX Farm Innovation Grant has been successful. Performance Recorded Lleyn Breeders (PRLB) are going to trial a new test designed to identify individual breeding animals with improved genetic resistance to roundworms.

Research by Professor Mike Stear at Glasgow Veterinary School has shown that the detection of the levels of an anti-parasitic antibody is a better indicator of resistance to worm infection than Faecal Egg Counts (FEC). This has led him to develop a saliva test for the antibody. The test also has several practical advantages over FEC as it is easier to carry out, cheaper and unaffected by the use of drenches or pour-ons.

With the help of the Farm Innovation Grant, PRLB are going to work with Professor Stear and independent sheep consultant Dr Catherine Nakielny to carry out several thousand tests on members lambs this summer. This will act as an important intermediary step between the completed research phase and the development of a full commercial test.

Breeding for parasite resistance has been identified as a key aim of our group and we are excited to be involved with this important new development at such an early stage.

Selection Day at Worcester market

Marilyn Hendy accepting the Graham Martin Trophy from Signet's Carol Davis


The Lleyn SireReference Group held their annual selection day at Worcester market on 30th September. 7 members bought high indexed ram lambs to the market to be judged on breed type and performance figures. The results were as follows:


1st  Ram lamb from Marilyn Hendy, Somerset.

2nd Ram lamb from Humphrey Mills, Essex

3rd Ram lamb from Jim Dufosee, Wiltshire

After the judging, members were able to hire a ram lamb off each other to put to a maximum of 25 ewes this season. The great benefit of this is that a member is able to have the use of a ram lamb with high performance figures at a greatly reduced price than if they had to purchase one at the sales. They are able to access superior genetics and become better connected with each others flocks.

Carol Davis, sheep specialist with Signet Breeding Services was present throughout the day to assist with the judging and to inform members of future developments to performance recording within Signet.

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